Victory Baptist Church

Victory Baptist Church Kenora ON Divider

Lifting Up Christ in Kenora and Around the World

Lifting Up Christ in Kenora and Around the World

Welcome to Victory Baptist Church

Victory Baptist Church Kenora ON Divider

We welcome you to Victory Baptist Church! Our desire is to bring honour and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ and to serve you in whatever way we can. We are an independent Baptist church, with the King James Bible as our authority for faith and practice.

Come join us as we sing the Hymns of the Faith, listen to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, spend time together in prayer and enjoy Christian fellowship. Our desire is not just to meet on Sundays, but to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Kenora and around the World. Our greatest joy and privilege is guiding people to salvation in Christ and helping them grow in their relationship with Him!

Regardless where you are at in life, we would love to meet you and be a help to you. We hope to see you soon!

We invite you to watch our video to meet the pastor and his family.

Kenora Baptist Church YouTube Service VBC
Victory Baptst Kenora 2025

Come to God

Receive The Free Gift of God’s love, forgiveness and everlasting life

Who is Jesus? Jesus is the very God who created you and became a man to bring you back to Himself. Jesus is the Redeemer and Savior who died for you so you could be forgiven of your sins and saved from eternal judgment.

“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, by grace ye are saved;” – Ephesians 2:4–5

Victory Baptist Church Meet Our Pastor

Meet Our Pastor

Victory Baptist Church Statement of Faith

What We Believe

Welcome Victory Baptist Church We're Glad You're Here

Worship with Us